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时间:2024-04-27 13:56:16
1、好了,不想了,不纠结了,我选择错过你。 Well, don't want to, don't tangle, I choose to miss you. 2、空留的灵魂,在夜里还会不会独自想念。 Empty soul, in the night will miss alone. 3、你在我的生命中烙下了印记,却只当我是一个过客。 You have branded my life, but only as if I was a passer-by. 4、生活中应该就要像小黄人,没心没肺才能活着不累。 Life should be like a little yellow, heartless in order to live not tired. 5、看你推荐的电影,不是看内容,而是脑海里全是你。 The movie you recommend is not about the content, but about you in your mind. 6、我不想有太多的解释。你不爱我,我也不会选择你。 I don't want to have too many explanations. If you don't love me, I won't choose you. 7、从始至终、只是我的闹剧而已。 From beginning to end, it was just my farce. 8、有没有这么一个人,你宁可没有遇到过? Is there such a person that you would rather not have met? 9、越爱越远的人,越等越大的雨。 The more people you love, the more rain you wait. 10、很终还是咽下所有思念说出不爱了,想想我也是狠。 Finally or swallow all miss, say don't love, think I also ruthless. 11、天亮了,梦醒了,我该睡了! Dawn, wake up, I should go to sleep! 12、面对你,我总是默默无闻。 In front of you, I am always unknown. 13、知道我爱你,你为什么还要拒绝。 Know I love you, why do you refuse. 14、请别以为你的每一句对不起,都能换回我的没关系。 Please don't think that your every sorry can be exchanged for mine. It doesn't matter. 15、泪一遍遍的流,很爱你,可是我看不到未来。 Tears flow over and over again, I love you very much, but I can't see the future. 16、如果有来生,爱一个人一定要没心没肺地。 If there is an afterlife, love a person must be heartless. 17、水凉了还可以喝,心凉了很难在热。 You can drink the water when it's cold, but it's hard to be hot when your heart is cold. 18、再灿烂的微笑,敌不过你的一句温柔。 No matter how bright the smile is, it can't match your gentleness. 19、我怎么舍得拒绝你,让你难过。 How can I refuse you and make you sad. 20、其实我懂你的拒绝,只是爱你的心情大过一切。 In fact, I understand your rejection, but I love you more than anything else. 21、我愿意所有痛苦都留在心里,也不愿忘记你的眼睛。 I want all the pain in my heart, and I don't want to forget your eyes. 22、头晕脑胀,神志不清。 Dizziness, brain distension, unconsciousness. 23、我不是天桥上算命的,唠不出那么多你爱听的嗑儿。 I'm not a fortune teller on the overpass. I can't tell you so many things you like to hear. 24、某天如果我觉得不再爱你,就不会再感到心痛。 One day, if I feel that I don't love you any more, I won't feel heartache any more. 25、我会遇见另一个的,我会遇见我自己。 I'll meet another. I'll meet myself. 26、别再出现在我的梦里,我负担不起醒来的落空。 Don't appear in my dream again, I can't afford to wake up. 27、希望你以后,有酒有肉有姑娘,姑娘丑的不像样。 I hope you will have wine, meat and girls in the future. Girls are ugly. 28、他们是我的命,别拿我的命和我开玩笑。 They are my life. Don't make fun of my life. 29、爱就像一根扎进肉里的刺,不拨会疼,拨了也会疼。 Love is like a thorn in the flesh. If you don't pull it, it will hurt. 30、鲜花凋谢的那一刻,是很美的瞬间。 The moment when the flowers wither is the most beautiful moment. 31、就这样等你,等你一天天离开我的心里。 Just waiting for you, waiting for you to leave my heart day by day. 32、我要怎么邮寄一个拥抱给她。 How can I send her a hug. 33、我一直在你的身后陪着你,只是你没发现而已。 I've been with you behind you, but you didn't find it. 34、对于你,我始终只能以陌生人的身份去怀念。 For you, I can only miss you as a stranger. 35、我走了一百步,你却退后一步,于是我前功尽弃。 I took a hundred steps, but you took a step back, so all my previous achievements were wasted. 36、小时候觉得好人有好报,长大了才觉得好人被嘲笑。 When I was a child, I thought good people were rewarded. When I grew up, I felt that good people were ridiculed. 37、我的心只有一颗,给了你,没什么可以给自己的。 My heart is only one, given to you, nothing can be given to myself. 38、伤心过去我无力的逃跑。 Sad past, I can't escape. 39、我想跟你去流浪,从北到南,从安生到腐烂。 I want to wander with you, from north to south, from Ansheng to putrefaction. 40、坚强久了,也会想能有个宽大的肩膀依靠。 Strong for a long time, will also want to have a broad shoulder to rely on. 41、遇到一个对的人是一生中很难得的事,且行且珍惜。 Meeting the right person is the most difficult thing in life, and do and cherish. 42、曾经的誓言、终究抵不过时间的流失。 Once the oath, after all, but the loss of time. 43、花季,注定悲伤一季。 Flower season, doomed to a season of sadness. 44、一个人不孤单,想一个人才会孤单。 A person is not lonely, think of a person will be lonely. 45、如果旅途的尽头有你,那么再遥远我也心甘情愿。 If there is you at the end of the journey, no matter how far away I am. 46、鄙视丑陋的人类,面对无语,我选择逃避。 Despise the ugly human, in the face of speechless, I choose to escape. 47、莪们都不懂得怎样去爱,却懂得怎样去伤害。 We do not know how to love, but know how to hurt. 48、有些话不是它很有哲理,而是它说进了你心里。 Some words are not very philosophical, but they come into your heart. 49、我们互相逞着强,究竟痛了谁。 We are trying to be strong with each other. Who is the pain. 50、如果梦想能够成真,愿我能代替你承受全都悲伤。 If the dream can come true, may I bear all the sadness instead of you.





